The SORABORA Lake, Sri Lanka

The SOROBORA LAKE is situated at Badulla District, a few kilometres away from Mahiyangana town.
It is about 250 - 257 kilometres from Colombo, Sri Lanka.
This is a fairly big reservoir which spread out at around 1100 land acres.
Lake bund - height 40 feet. Width - 11 feet. Length - 1590 feet.
Would you like to believe?
This whole lake was built by one person.

His name is BULATHA. He worked under the king Dutugamunu as a royal servant. He is a very strong person. One day he saw a place with some rocks and a stream. From that moment he was dreaming of building a reservoir there.
Yes, he started to do so. Nobody with him. He has the idea and he knows the way of doing it.

Bulatha's wife also a strong woman. She used to bring food to her husband where he is trying to make his dream true, The path their using is very rough and difficult to walk. Bulatha's wife thought to do something to make this path much orderly. She also started to work her own. She completed her duty after making the path with two thousand stone steps.

Bulatha has been drilled into the rock and managed to fix the sluice gate of the lake. This is an amazing work. The bund of the lake is naturally laid rocks.

After completing the huge creation Bulatha has invited the king Dutugemunu to be inspected it. The king wondered about seeing the huge reservoir. As well as he got a surprise by seeing the stone steps which completed by Bulatha's wife.

The king praised the efforts of Bulatha's and
his wife's.
Both of them are rewarded by the King Dutugamunu.
The SORABORA LAKE, One man’s miracle

(All the pictures and the illustrations are from the internet.)