Monday, February 17, 2020

සිංහල භාෂාව - කෙටි ප්‍රශ්න පහක් - පහ ශ්‍රේණියේ සිසු දරුවන්ට වඩාත් සුදුසුයි

English for Everybody - "Back to School" - Lesson 11

Re-arrange the words and make meaningful sentences. Write the capital letters and punctuation marks when necessary.

1. want/ to/ cup/ I/ drink/ of/ coffee

2. to/ she/ books/ story/ likes 

3. me/ may/ excuse/ I/ your/ please/ name/ know

4. is/ today/ the/ gloomy/ sky

5. last/ there/ rain/ no/ months/ is/ for/ four

6. a/ king/ sitting/ is/ monkey/ the/ rock/ the/ on/ of

7. Nile/ world/ the/ river/ in/ the/ is/ the/ longest

8. that/ hello/ surgery/ is/ dental

9. please/ door/ you/ close/ can/ the

10. I/ food/ some/ I/ and/ am/ hungry/ need

11. clothes/ very/ my/ dirty/ are

12. old/ I/ now/ eighteen/ am/ years

13. at/ is/ father/ home/ your

14. a/ place/ this/ quite/ is/ very

15. football/ they/ playing/ are